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GUITARRACort Yorktown-BV - tobacco sunburst

Guitarra elécrica jazz cuerpo acústico CORT Yorktown-bv tobacco sunburst.

Electric guitar CORT YT-BTAB

YORKTOWN, half jazz box type 3 7/10 ", spruce cover, maple sides and bottom, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard, 20 frets, 42 mm nut, 2 double ClassicRocker-II pads, TOM bridge, nickel-plated fittings, with lid. tobacco burst

For more than 60 years, Cort has been making guitars and basses whose value for money is unparalleled in the market. Beginning guitarist, looking for a custom acoustic shop or even an extreme metal fan, think of Cort guitars!

Built to the highest quality standards, in a vintage style and with an excellent price/performance ratio, the Hollow Body series guitars offer you the timeless and always sought-after sounds of the famous half-cash and quarter-cash guitars. Although ideal for jazz, these models are also excellent for rock & roll, blues and rhythm & blues.

Examine esta categoría: MODELOS JAZZ
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